Your creative solution for music!

A Dj music multi-desktop! 
Come and have a look at Cbra Systems

Hi, music lover! 

Thank you for visiting the Cbra Systems website! Because without you, no party! 

About Cbra Systems

screenshot Cbra Systems stands as a beacon in the digital music landscape, harnessing the extensive libraries of YouTube and SoundCloud to create a comprehensive music database. Its vast collection serves a wide array of moods and occasions, striking a chord with users across the globe. The platform's non-commercial stance and dedication to free access highlight a commitment to the unadulterated joy of music. User testimonials often praise its intuitive interface and the harmonious integration of music with web design, a testament to the ingenuity of its creator, Ruben Geerlings. This online sanctuary not only celebrates the unifying power of music but also enriches the listening experience by cultivating a community of shared musical narratives. 

Cbra Systems, guided by the innovative spirit of Ruben Geerlings, also known as Trish Thunderstone, is making its mark in the realm of digital music, illustrating the vibrant fusion of technology and artistry. The initiative is a tribute to Geerlings' expertise in both music and web design, reflecting his commitment to enhancing the musical journey through technological innovation. The platform's multi-desktop environment is a pioneering space that invites users to immerse themselves in music creation and performance. It blurs the lines between creators and consumers, promoting an immersive experience of musical discovery. With an emphasis on user interaction and dynamic design, Cbra Systems is revolutionizing the way we engage with music online. It symbolizes forward movement, where the cadences of programming and song unite to craft a future where music is more accessible, emotive, and interconnected than ever. 

ruben geerlings Background
Trish Thunderstone's journey from the quaint Wilderness Star Valley to the vibrant city of Groningen is a tale of passion and perseverance. Born in the serene north of the Netherlands, Trish's love for music was evident from an early age. The village, with its tranquil surroundings, provided the perfect backdrop for his early compositions. As he grew, so did his ambitions, leading him to the bustling streets of Groningen, a city known for its rich cultural tapestry and artistic vibrancy. 

Here, Trish found new inspirations and opportunities to refine his craft. The transition from the simplicity of a ZX-Spectrum and an MSX computer to the advanced capabilities of a Commodore Amiga-500 / 2000 marked a significant evolution in his musical journey. These tools, paired with software like OctaMed 4.0, were his companions as he delved into the complexities of digital composition. They were the catalysts that transformed his raw melodies into sophisticated symphonies. 

Now, in the age of modern technology, Trish has embraced the power of a Personal Computer equipped with Ableton Live, a testament to his adaptability and commitment to excellence. This software suite has opened up a new realm of possibilities, allowing him to record, edit, and produce music with a level of precision and creativity that was once unimaginable. His compositions are not just melodies but stories told through the keys of a piano, each note a character, each chord a plot twist. 

Trish's music is a fusion of his past and present, a blend of the peacefulness of Wilderness Star Valley and the energetic pulse of Groningen. It's a journey that speaks to the heart of any aspiring artist—the relentless pursuit of one's dreams, the courage to embrace change, and the unwavering love for one's art. As Trish Thunderstone continues to compose and share his music, he carries with him the spirit of both the village that nurtured his talent and the city that fuels his aspirations. His story is a melody that resonates with the timeless tune of growth and the harmonious symphony of life's endless possibilities. 

Cbra Designs

Cbra Designs is more than just a side project of Cbra Systems, a music multi-desktop. It is a creative venture that produces unique and high-quality products for various purposes. Whether you need a guitar stand, a memory game, a set of playing cards, or a 2024 calendar, Cbra Designs has something for you.  

The products of Cbra Designs are made with high-quality materials and are designed to be both functional and visually appealing. For example, the guitar stand is made of solid iron and features a unique foldable design that makes it easy to transport and store. The memory game is made of durable wood. The playing cards are made of high-quality paper and features colorful illustrations of animals from all over the world. And the 2024 calendar features clear and concise design, easy-to-read fonts and colors, and all of the information you need, such as dates, events, and holidays. 

Cbra Designs is a small company, but they are passionate about creating products that people will love and use. They are also committed to sustainability and use eco-friendly materials and packaging whenever possible. 

Here are some of the reasons why you should buy from Cbra Designs: 

  • Their products are unique and creative. 
  • Their products are made hand-crafted with high-quality materials. 
  • Their products are functional and visually appealing. 
  • Cbra Designs is a small company that is passionate about creating products that people will love and use. 
  • Cbra Designs is committed to sustainability. 

    If you are looking for unique and high-quality products, then Cbra Designs is a great place to shop. 

  • Go to the Cbra Systems Website
    Guitar stand
    Memory game
    Playing cards
    'Cause Beats Rephrase Anything